We’re delighted to be working with SEEDS as it employs Unlocking Potential to manage its extensive disaster support network.

For the last 27 years, SEEDS (Sustainable Environment and Ecological Development Society) has been working to build the resilience of people exposed to disasters. Through their work, disaster survivors have had schools, homes, and community infrastructure restored and upgraded, and marginalised communities have gained access to clean water, sanitation and health facilities. Recently, they have turned their attention to work on a mission to support the most underprivileged and vulnerable people who comprise the bottom 1% and are disproportionately impacted by the climate emergency.
Unlocking Potential, will enable SEEDS to manage their ecosystem more effectively to ensure they optimise the resources they have available to respond to the unfolding emergency, and reach the most vulnerable and marginalised communities.
I'm proud that SEEDS see us as the solution to their ecosystem optimisation goals and that together we are directly improving lives in communities exposed to modern disasters like climate change and COVID."